Antique Stoves,wood stoves,wood stoves,wood cook stove,mica,wood cook stoves,parlor stoves,chambers,coal stoves,Kitchen Queen,Bakers Choice,Bakers oven,Amish stoves, off grid stoves, Margin Stoves, Flame View, Gem Pac, Margin Gem

New Wood Cook Stoves

Wood Cook stoves, Wood Furnaces, Wood fired water heaters, Off grid stoves,

Kitchen Queen  Cookstoves, Amish made, wood cooking, wood heating, cook stove, cookstove, cookstoves, kitchen queen,

Stove Mica Isinglass


Mica - Isinglass

Oval Stove Pipe










Affiliate Program


Stove Finials

These are reproduction stove finials

To order Stove Finial Griffin
Product Name: Griffin Stove Finial 8 1/2" Tall 5 1/2" Wide
Price:  $350.00


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To order Stove Finial #2
Product Name: Stove Finial #2 10 1/2" Tall 7" Wide
Price:  $325.00

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13" Tall

5" Wide

To order  Wherle Finial
Product Name: Wherle Finial
Price:  $425.00


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11 1/2 " Tall

7 " Wide

To order Victorian Finial
Product Name: Victorian Finail
Price:  $325.00

 Bakers Oven ] Antique Stove Appraisal ] My Own Stove FAQ's ] The General Store ] History of stoves ] F.A.Q.'s ] Links ] News ]



Guessing the value of a stove over the phone is not accurate.

We don't do it! 

 We are not psychic.

*For information about your stove see Appraisals page.




For Sales questions:

Antique Stoves, 410 Fleming Rd., Tekonsha, Michigan 49092

For Antique Stoves Sales Questions 10 am to 4 pm est.

Monday - Friday only  (517) 767-3606


For The Old Appliance Club and GAS or ELECTRIC stove parts or information


(Please Note: The Old Appliance Club does not stock or sell any information on wood or coal stoves .)




Accurate Information is a Commodity


Copyright © 2012 Antique Stoves®  All rights reserved.
